【佔中啟動】蘋果香港千名員工發信致Tim Cook 冀支持香港
有蘋果香港員工向記者透露,公司內部全體約1,000名員工,部份配上黃絲帶上班,今早進行聯署行動,自發向身處美國的公司行政總裁Tim Cook發信,呼籲關注及支持香港的公民抗命運動。
公開信指,香港市民極力爭取民主,但受中央政府暴力阻撓,希望以Tim Cook為首,以人道及受尊重見稱的蘋果公司,聲援香港市民。
“I am ______, an employee of Apple Store (branch).
The people of Hong Kong is now under the violent treatment of the Central government, while fighting for the human rights and democracy of Hong Kong. Countless citizens and students have been fighting in the streets for many consecutive days.
To save the endangered future of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Federation of Students is going to suspend classes,… Read More